Hi dev community,

I'm working on an Android App based on the example AndroidExampleGLES1/2. In my 
case it's GLES1, but this problem persists in both GLES versions.
The Problem occurs after the following steps (and it's easily reproducible):
1. run the android osgviewer app
2. load a model
3. put the android device to sleep (short press on power button)
4. wake up the android device
5. the model is gone.

i know the error stems from losing the opengl context, which is then again 
created when the device is waking up again. so the obvious workaround/bugfix 
would be to preserve the opengl context. my problem is that i don't really know 
how to do this. i found a few more or less helpful comments on other web pages, 
but nothing to fix this particular problem yet.
maybe someone can help me to fix this, i'd then be happy to somehow put this 
fix upstream (if that's possible) since that's a problem that persists in the 
example files.

Thank you!


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