HI Lv,

On 29 October 2012 10:16, Lv Qing <donlvq...@msn.com> wrote:
> I update 2.9.16 ,same problem!Not ready for osg3.0 ,too much change.

3.x might not address the problem you have, as it's likely down to
some peculiarity of  how the custom threading is behaving, but I would
certainly recommend moving the 3.0.x.  2.9.16 is a developer version
and won't contain all the fixes and improvements available in 3.0.x.
The API changes between the two versions should be pretty minor, given
that it could fix bugs I would say that spending time upgrading to a
stable release would be much better than trying to get by with a
unsupported developer release.

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