I've encountered a strange behavior when loading a client-supplied FLT
file and I haven't been able to drill down and find an explanation. I think
I know what must be happening, but I can't find any mechanism to explain

  The customer has a TXP database which refers to a FLT model. The FLT
model has a named MultiSwitch node, which controls some LightPointNodes.

  The symptom is that if the FLT file is loaded by itself (into
osgViewer.exe for example) a NodeVisitor of ours is able to locate the
MultiSwitch by name. If the FLT file is loaded via the DataBasePager from
the TXP file, the FLT loads, but the visitor is unable to locate the

  Further investigation (adding debug code in a readfilecallback to save
out a temporary .OSG file) reveals that somehow the MultiSwitch is not even
in the resulting graph that gets produced from the FLT file. Converting the
FLT file to OSG via osgconv, or a simple readNodeFile+writeNodeFile at the
beginning of main() however produces an .OSG file that does contain the
missing MultiSwitch.

  I've gone so far as to add this debug code at the beginning of main(), as
well as in the readfilecallback that is invoked when the databasepager
loads the FLT file:

 osgDB::ReaderWriter::ReadResult result =
osgDB::writeNodeFile(*(result.getNode()), "foo.osg");

  I use readNodeImplementation to ensure we're avoiding any callbacks.

 When execute from main(), this code produces a OSG file containing the
MultiSwitch. When copy & pasted to the readfilecallback, it produces a OSG
file lacking the MultiSwitch.
  I don't believe the osgUtil Optimizer is in play here, as the
databasepager runs that after the load returns. I don't think any of the
FLT loader options (
preserveObject are affecting things, because I'm passing a NULL options
pointer in both cases.

  What else could be different between these two cases that could lead to a
different graph being produced from the same FLT file, and how do I unify
this to one (correct) behavior? (I wouldn't think preserveObject or other
FLT loader options would be optimizing out a MultiSwitch as redundant
anyway, but perhaps it's misguided.)

  Please grant me some sanity.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere. xe...@alphapixel.com
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