Unfortunately upgrading to any later version at this time is absolutely not 
possible. I'll trudge on...


lyceel wrote:
> On 01/07/2013 04:25 PM, Conan Doyle wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I find myself in need of building OSG/Producer/OT 1.2 to support a legacy 
> > project.  I am using gcc 4.4.5.  I am getting numerous compile errors 
> > regarding undeclared functions such as memset, memcpy, getenv and so on.  
> > These seem easy enough to correct by adding the proper includes to the .cpp 
> > files in which the errors are found, but before I continue to do so, I 
> > thought I should ask if this was the correct or best approach and if I 
> > should expect any issues downstream in doing this or in general with 
> > building OSG/Producer/OT with 1.2 w/gcc 4.4.5.
> > 
> > 
> Hi, Conan,
> I vaguely recall having all kinds of problems with OSG 1.2 compiling
> with any version of gcc4.  I think we ran into this when we upgraded our
> version of Red Hat in the lab, and the new version switched from gcc3 to
> 4.  Our solution at the time was to go ahead and upgrade to OSG 2.0.
> The point being, there probably isn't a "right way" to do this.
> Whatever works best for you is probably the right way.
> --"J"
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