Hi Jan, Jorge,

first of all, thanks for the support in timely fashion ! Jan, also, thanks
for the details in your email, you really "talk" as to a child - yes I am
doing these baby steps in Android development now so it is highly

Let me answer Jorge first:
- I am working with the trunk (as always)
- HTC Wildfire S
- The options from here
 - I have tried both, same behavior

Jan, here are more questions:

...Either compile for the version 5 ABI ("armeabi" - which doesn't use
Neon) or disable the Neon instruction set according to the instructions in
the doc.

how? Do you have the link from the documentation handy? I tried to google
it for some short time and no luck.

Starting mobile app development with OSG as your first project is a really
terrible idea due to the complexity - try some of the SDK examples first,
then the examples from the NDK so that you understand how things fit

I know. This is really good advice but no time frame for it since my focus
in osg on android, I do not care about the other ( I should not actually,
at least at the moment based on the spec ). So I really rely on available
documentation and support from the community which is great btw, having
people like you :).

Thanks again


On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 10:02 AM, Jorge Izquierdo Ciges

> If you don't see the blue screeen of OSG then it's exiting abnormally.
> First: What version of OSG are you compiling? 3.1... trunk?
> Second: What device are you using?
> Third: What options did you use in Cmake?
> Fourth: GLES1 or 2?
> 2013/4/10 Jan Ciger <jan.ci...@gmail.com>
>> Hello,
>> On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 3:51 PM, Trajce Nikolov NICK <
>> trajce.nikolov.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi community,
>>> I have succeeded building and installing the sample GL ES1/2 samples on
>>> android and when I try to run it, it starts, it shows the buttons and
>>> immediately it goes away (close without complaining).
>> Have a look at the part of the OSG documentation about the Neon
>> instruction support. If you are running the code on a device with a Tegra 2
>> chipset (maybe some others), then it will cause this type of crash because
>> that instruction set isn't supported on Tegra 2. Either compile for the
>> version 5 ABI ("armeabi" - which doesn't use Neon) or disable the Neon
>> instruction set according to the instructions in the doc.
>>> I went thru the code and I am not seeing where the models are loaded (or
>>> is it interactive via menu or such).
>> It is interactive, in the menu you have load model, then you type the
>> path to the model file into a popup window (.ive) there, e.g.
>> /mnt/sdcard/cube.ive. If everything goes well, the model will load and
>> display.
>>> Please note I know OSG to some point but new to mobile device
>>> development so please talk to me as to a child on this. Shell I copy the
>>> models somewhere so they are loaded?
>> For the demos you should likely put the models somewhere on the sdcard
>> because you will have to enter that path in the file loading dialog.
>>> What is the assets folder for?
>> That folder contains additional files (assets), such as models, sounds,
>> icons, etc. that get packaged into the application APK and installed with
>> it when you install the application. Then you can access them from the Java
>> code using handles. Don't put your models there, it isn't possible to
>> directly load files from C++ code using that folder. Well, strictly
>> speaking it is possible, but it requires some major hacking to "discover"
>> the Linux filesystem path of the folder before you can access files there.
>> Have a look at the Android SDK documentation, it explains what are these
>> various folders for and how an Android application works. Starting mobile
>> app development with OSG as your first project is a really terrible idea
>> due to the complexity - try some of the SDK examples first, then the
>> examples from the NDK so that you understand how things fit together.
>>  Regards,
>> Jan
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