Hi Daniel,

I am running large terrain (txp) on my laptop with no problems with the
latest code from the trunk (although I don't think the txp loader was
touched lately). What is the version of your archive? It seam that the code
in the repository works the best with 2.1 archives. Also, good practice is
to use s3 texture compression (dxt3 and dxt5) when building the archive in
TerraVista. If you can build a block and post it I can take a look what is

Let me know

On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 9:02 AM, Daniel Krikun <krikun.dan...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a "heavy" application which uses osg viewer and a TXP terrain.
> After some time the application is running, LOD level of the terrain
> starts being switched higher and lower all the time in cycles, so one
> second I have trees and building being displayed and one second later -
> they disappear.
> Interesting, if I run just 2 instances of osgviewer.exe with a large TXP
> terrain, after some time, I achieve the same effect.
> I suspect, TXP loader detects low memory available and switches LOD down,
> then when some memory is freed due to this LOD switching, the loader
> switches the LOD up, the memory gets low and it continues in cycles.
> Any ideas?
> I'm running Windows XP, 32-bit, GTX 670. Both osg-2.9.8 and 3.0.1 exhibit
> this behaviour.
> Thanks,
> --
> Daniel Krikun
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