Hi Robert,

I think it is a good idea to clean up the Geometry interface, to make the code 
more clear, concise and simpler to maintain, and to help OSG/OpenGL beginners 
to automatically use the fast paths. 

Kind regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org 
[mailto:osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org] On Behalf Of Robert Osfield
Sent: dinsdag 4 juni 2013 10:42
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Deprecating vertex indices in osg::Geometry

I have now started looking into what changes would be required to osg::Geometry 
and have decided to make a copy of Geometry called GoemetryNew and cut this 
down to see how easy it will be clean this class up and what the knock on 
effects might be.  Now I have dived in and begun the process one what is clear 
is just how much the implementation of Geometry.cpp was complicated by the 
support for indices - the size of GeometryNew.cpp text file is now 1982 bytes vs
2763 for the old Geometry.cpp.  Getting rid of indices will reduce footprint 
and also will make the code faster as they will be less checks to see if 
indices are there and need something special doing for them.

Another element that jumps out as out of step with modern OpenGL is support for 
PER_PRIMITIVE binding of arrays - this still forces OpenGL slow paths and again 
complicates the code.  I believe that osg::Geometry really should just support 
fast paths so as part of the cleanup it would reasonable to drop this from 
GeometryNew.cpp as well.
 I will tackle the indices first though.

My current action plan is to get GeometryNew.cpp to build and run with the 
osggeometry example, then look for feedback from the community.
If things look viable then the next step will be rename GeometryNew.cpp to 
Geometry.cpp and renamed the existing Geometry.cpp to GeometryDeprecated.cpp.  
This step will require some games on the serialization front to return 
backwards compatibility.

Another area of change would be looking at Geometry::ArrayData - this currently 
contains array, indices, binding and normalize variables. My first step is to 
simply remove indices, but I'm thinking that binding and normalize might both 
be suitable for moving into osg::Array and for ArrayData to be removed entirely.

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