HI Farshid,

On 7 May 2014 20:43, Farshid Lashkari <fla...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I made the proposed changes and everything seems to work properly after some
> initial tests. I still want to play around some more before submitting a
> patch though.
> Currently, I have the Geode::traverse method call
> "NodeVisitor::apply(Drawable)" directly, since there is no
> "Drawable::accept(NodeVisitor)" method. Would you prefer that
> "Drawable::accept(NodeVisitor)" be added so that it follows the visitor
> pattern? Drawables don't currently support node masks and can't be added to
> the NodePath, so the "accept" method would be directly calling
> "NodeVisitor::apply()" anyway. However, one benefit of this route would be
> the potential for supporting "apply" for other drawable types (ie.
> Geometry). Don't know if it's worth the extra overhead though.

To do a proper conversion of Drawable to a Node one would need to add
a NodeVisitor::apply(Drawable) entry, apply(Geometry) would also be a
natural addition.

As for the costs, I'd need to properly review a submission to get a
full idea of the pros and cons.

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