Greetings All!

I know I have been working with Linux for a few years and maybe I've been away 
from Windows too long, and this may seem silly to some but here it goes!

I've been moving some of my stuff to windows and everything ports over very 
well, thank you, but one thing that I had to test on two systems to verify!

When I compile osg core libraries using VS2010 or VS2012, in debug mode, when I 
get to compiling the osgPlugins DLL's my Norton 360 kicks in and Quarantines 
some of my osgPlugins DLL's.  

Out of frustration, I told Norton about this but they give me the same line 
about it and I say "but I just compiled it, I've been playing with this code 
for years and there is nothing wrong with it", but thats another story for 
anothr fourm.

Well, moving along! When I compile the same stuff in Release mode, it compiles 
o.k. and Norton doesn’t smash it! 

So, for now I'm working with core libraries that are compiled in release for 
now and I'm wondering what work around I'm missing to get the stuff to compile 
in Debug w/o setting off the False Alarm Bells on my system!


Thank you!

David Glenn
D Glenn 3D Computer Graphics Entertainment.

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