I'm not a huge expert, but:

1. the slave should be post, because you want to render the cross/axes on top 
of the rest.
2. you can just use a perspective projection if you want a 3d looking axis or a 
orthogonal view if you want a 'less' 3d look to it. Be sure to set the near and 
far correct, I think a orthogonal might standard be limited to rendering z=0 
3. I think this is because you use a clear color on the slave cam. That means 
that each frame it will first clear the viewport (therefor your main model 
doesn't show it that area). For the axis: don't use a clear color, but instead 
use setClearMask to clear the zbuffer (or else it might use the zvalues from 
your main scene in the viewport and that doesn't make sense). Then it just 
should draw the axis on whatever you rendered in your main scene.

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