Hi STTrife (),

Yeah, I also thought of the POST_RENDER camera, but I wanted another opinion :D

About the cull masks, I switched them off. I thought it would be more efficient 
using them, but that's not my main concern right now. The clear color was a 
just a test to see what the specified viewport was. I forgot to remove it from 
the posted code. Sorry.

Okay, about the perspective. I think the problem is my poor understanding of 
the math involved. I will have to start again with the theory.

Also, using an ABSOLUTE reference frame, the axis appear but with too much 
zoom; almost all of the viewport is filled with the red axis. And I think the 
callback is not working properly here, as I can see no change in the axis (with 
the compositeviewer example it worked, though).

Changind the RF to RELATIVE, the axes appear, but very very small. I have to 
zoom them in to get a suitable size. But I don't want to have any events in 
that viewport.

So, as I said before, I'll check the theory again. Besides the OpenGL Red Book, 
do you know of any link or book that may be useful?


Thank you!


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