Hi Robert, Community,

this will be hard to be described I guess, but I will try. Will make a
video as well later.

I am doing something with lights and in a CullCallback I do computation of
some light attribs for a shader. This something is splitting the
computation between the CPU and the GPU for lighting purposes.. And I am
doing sort of my LOD within this CullCallback. so the lights are not active
after a distance. And it works great but my cull time is really high so I
am about to optimize it with an LOD  (just a try). My scenegraph is like:


and again it works ok as long as I add LOD between the transform and the

Honestly, I have no clue what is going on. The final result is as I am
getting close to the LOD switch out distance the lights are changing
position, intensity and they fade away.instead of just switch out on that

Since I am using the osgUtil::PositionalStateContainer::AttrMatrixList from
the currentRenderStage (snippet bellow) and I am using the matrices from
there for the osg::Light attributes something is telling me that these
matrices are somewhat wrong when LOD is in the scene path. But again this
is only guessing

I am aware that based on written above it is hard to give a hint and I had
big doubts to post this really, but just in case maybe someone will have an

Thanks a bunch as always


snippet from the cullcallback:

virtual void operator()(osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv)
    osgUtil::CullVisitor * cv = dynamic_cast<osgUtil::CullVisitor*>(nv);
     osgUtil::PositionalStateContainer::AttrMatrixList &aml =
     // here I iterate over the list and after I use the osg::Light attrib
with its associated matrix to compute stuff for the shader

trajce nikolov nick
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