> Hi Guys,
> I haven't ever worked with alternating stereo - all my work has been with
> side-by-side, quad buffer and HMD's. There is chance that the
> driver+graphics hardware might support alternating stereo, I'd expect
> something like you app sets up quad buffer stereo and the hardware
> coordinates sending the appropriate left/right buffer out.  The spanner in
> the works is that NVidia has restricted quad buffer stereo support to
> their
> Quadro line.  Perhaps others will have experience on this side.

I tinkered around for a bit a while ago. Assuming your on Linux....

Nominally you'd use the 'Xorg.conf' to define which stereo mode you are
using when rendering quad buffer output. This is obviously the best method
as it offloads the L/R frame switching to the GFX card, and thus doesn't
really matter if your application can't keep up.

See 'Option "Stereo" "integer"'

If you don't have a quad buffer capable card there is a LD_PRELOAD/shim
which you might like to try:

This requires a nice fast computer to actually achieve target frame rate
(120Hz for DLP stereo projection).

If you are looking to recompile, then you might even linking against
'libgls' which also fakes up the quadbuffer.

This lib also includes some signalling code, which uses the first line of
display to trigger display to automatically go into 3D mode.


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