HI Patryk,

You code snippets is a bit confusing - it's way overcomplicated for what it
should be.  My best guess is that you've somehow confused how the
osg::computeLocalToMatrix(NodePath) should be used.  Simply give it the
NodePath from root to specific node of interest, computeLocalToMatrix will
do all the matrix accumulation for you, there isn't any need to
individually multiple the paths of every node in the parental chain as you
seem to be trying to do.


On 19 February 2015 at 09:36, Patryk Piotr <pwaso...@mion.elka.pw.edu.pl>

> Hi,
> I want to  get the position of the center of my cone which was transformed
> earlier. My point is I cannot get that position only by multiplying by
> matrices of PositionAttitudeTransforms. Can someone help me?
> Here is the code:
> Code:
> cone = new osg::Geode();
>     cs = new osg::Cone(osg::Vec3(0, 0, 0), std::tan(15.0 * M_PI / 180.0) *
> 2660.0, 2660.0);
>     shp = new osg::ShapeDrawable(cs);
> rootNode -> addChild(mt);
>     mt -> addChild(rotation1);
>     rotation1 -> addChild(airplaneModel);
>     rotation1 -> addChild(rotation2);
>     rotation2 -> addChild(cameraModel);
>     rotation2 -> addChild(rotation3);
>     rotation3 -> addChild(cameraModel2);
>     rotation3 -> addChild(trans1);
>     trans1 -> addChild(rotation4);
>     rotation4 -> addChild(cone);
>     cone -> addDrawable(shp);
> osgEarth::GeoPoint apGPoint(airplaneModel.latLong, airplaneModel.apLen,
> airplaneModel.apLat, airplaneModel.apHeight, osgEarth::ALTMODE_ABSOLUTE);
>             osg::Matrix mat;
>             apGPoint.createLocalToWorld(mat);
>             airplaneModel.mt -> setMatrix(mat);
> Other rotation and trans are PositionAttitudeTransform with set
> attitude/position. Here is how I tried to compute the position:
> Code:
> osg::Vec3d endPoint = osg::Vec3d(0,0,0);
>             endPoint = endPoint *
> osg::computeLocalToWorld(airplaneModel.rotation4 ->
> getParentalNodePaths()[0]) *
>                     osg::computeLocalToWorld(airplaneModel.trans1 ->
> getParentalNodePaths()[0]) *
>                     osg::computeLocalToWorld(airplaneModel.rotation3 ->
> getParentalNodePaths()[0]) *
>                     osg::computeLocalToWorld(airplaneModel.rotation2 ->
> getParentalNodePaths()[0]) *
>                     osg::computeLocalToWorld(airplaneModel.rotation1 ->
> getParentalNodePaths()[0]) *
>                    airplaneModel.mt -> getMatrix();
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Patryk[/code]
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=62728#62728
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