Greetings All,
Sorry that I haven't posted I've been very busy lately!
I've been meaning to post the location of the YouTube videos that I made based 
the presentation I gave at SIGGRAPH last year, but I've been stretched for time 
with my added duties working on some Unity 5 stuff. 

I don't remember if I posted the links for you all and you may have found this 
stuff already, but just in case:

The first video is basically how to compile Open Scene Graph in MS Windows 
using Visual Studio Express as well as compile Virtual Planet Builder. I try to 
go through the process step by step and it is long on time, but in the end you 
get a compiled version of Open Scene Graph and Virtual Planet Builder. For most 
of you, you can skip this part as it purely how to compile code, but I believe 
in showing how to do things from the ground up and so the reasoning for the 
first video.

Here is the Link for video 1:

The second video is the meat and potatoes of how to use Virtual Planet Builder 
to build a basic terrain for your OSG Project. I go over a bit about G-Dal 
given that I use it to prepare my data at times. I also show how I use QGIS and 
point out some sources for data and how to put it all together.

Here is the Link for video 2:

In the end I built a nice 3D map of the Humble town of Hemet Ca. using data 
that I got from the USGS.

If you what to post this stuff any ware your welcome to do so! 

As I said before: I'm sorry for getting this stuff to you so late. I'm also 
working on some training stuff for Unity 5 and I still thinking about doing 
something on some other OSG stuff. Maybe osgEarth!
Hope to see you all later! Hope you all are doing well!

Enjoy All!

D Glenn

David Glenn
D Glenn 3D Computer Graphics Entertainment.

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