Am 09.06.2015 um 23:05 schrieb Elias Tarasov:
Thanks for quick reply, it helped to solve a problem.

SMesserschmidt wrote:
Am 09.06.2015 um 11:35 schrieb Elias Tarasov:

there is a bunch of links to get data. Since --geocentric option allows not to 
use elevation data, then only textures are needed.

Who told you this? Of course you can use elevation data in geocentric
mode ...
Simply use -t for imagery and -d for digitial elevation data
Don't doubt the arguments we used this time. Yes, there is no -d option and 
thus no
elevation map specified. As we have already indicated to use the geocentric 
to build from the source, VPB will automatically use flat sea-level elevation 
data and
construct the earth geometry according to the given GeoTiff imagery.

Yes but you still CAN use elevation data relative to the ellipsoid.

And here is a problem: i can't get georeferenced textures from USGS.

They are referenced, but in a non-supported coordinate frame. I never
had problems of this kind yet.
But there are definitively geo-referenced data-sets on USGS, as I'm
using them myself.

Yes, they are. Just in a different projection, it seems.

Use LandSAT imagery, which is WGS84 projected, so there should no
problems here.

Actually, problems are exist. This is the LandSat image from USGS

Now datum is WGS84, but vpbmaster shows again
Error: vpbmaster can not run without all source data being in the correct 
destination coordinates system, please reproject them.

Maybe because PROJCS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 33N", not just WGS84?
That is UTM with reference datum WGS84*. Don't mix them up. One is the projection (UTM at the zone 33North) using the reference ellipsoid WGS84. Usually it will be transformed/reprojected automatically. Can you try osgdem instead of vpbmaster? I think the distributed version (vpbmaster) indeed won't work on data not being "adapted". Also make sure you have the gdal/proj libraries accessible for the osgdem application.

*(WGS84 defines the "sea level" by approximating the earth's shape by an ellipsoid)

If you need some sample data I can share a small set on googledrive etc.

That's very kind, Sebastian, but the problem seems to have been solved already.

To use data with vpb i need to reproject them.

gdalwarp -s_srs EPSG:2238 -t_srs EPSG:4326 src.tif dst.tif

Now produced *.osgb image looks correctly into OSG viewer. However, it also 
looks quite plain. So elevation data is needed?
If you need elevation data or not is totally up to you. Usually you don't need to re-project manually (see above).

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