HI Manish,

I could be a Qt change in behavior that it's setting the context up or
managing the threads in an different way.  Qt's this moving goal posts
with trying to integrate.  Each rev it the way Qt works w.r.t OpenGL
shifts a bit.

One thing you could try is OSG-svn/trunk or the OSG-3.3.7 dev release.
There is chance that revisions to osgQt help keep track of the later
versions of Qt better.

However, I'm not personally a Qt expert.  I have to defer to others to
provide expertise.


On 11 June 2015 at 15:43, manish Choudhary <osgfo...@tevs.eu> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using Qt 5.4.2 for Windows 32-bit (VS 2013) and  OpenSceneGraph-3.2.2 
> stable release  on Window 8.1 platform.
> osgviewerQt example is not working without any modification.
> It is aborts and in the command prompt it showing
> "Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid operation' at Before 
> Renderer::compile
> Error: In Texture::Extensions::setupGLExtensions(..) OpenGL version test 
> failed, requires valid graphics context. "
> Earlier in my application I have used osg 2.8  in Qt(4.8 VS 2008 - Window 8 ) 
>  using "class ViewerQT : public osgViewer::Viewer, public AdapterWidget"  to 
> integrate osg in QT.  (attached file showing this integration)
> Now I want to switch to latest QT (5.4) and Osg (3.2)  and but in this latest 
> version  ealier(old) osg Qt intergration didn't work. So I look for 
> osgviewerQt example . But both showing same type of error.
> Why osgviewerQt example not working that seem strange to me.?
> ...
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> manish
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=64056#64056
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