Hi Jannek,

That's a great approach, but my dynamic part of the scene is unfortunately rather big, so there are some concerns on having the structure twice (I guess by deep copy you really mean copying drawables etc. as well). I've just stumbled upon the osgtext example which interestingly enough uses the dynamic data variance while employing an update operation to update the text. This seems contra-intuitive, which why I simply removed it, and voila: I've got parallel cull, draw and gpu while updating the stuff in an operation thread, without crashes. So basically I need to reformulate the question: Can we use the update operations to induce more parallelism? P.S. While your approach might not fit anyone's need, is there some code for an example which might be shared with the community? My biggest concern with OSG right now is performance, or the fact that performance loss is obfuscated.


Hi Sebastian,

You may be interested in this topic, where I discuss some workarounds to 
setting objects to DYNAMIC: 

Read this topic online here:

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