
I am trying to set my view and projection camera matrix. I do this inside a
custom camera manipulator code I am building.

I set the camera view matrix as


After this, since I am using a perspective projection matrix, I know I need
to update my projection matrix. I try to do this with

camera->setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective(30.f, aspectRatio, 0.5f, 500.f);

This results in the following projection matrix,

        2.69691 0 0 0

        0 3.73205 0 0

        0 0 -1.002 -1

        0 0 -1.001 0

However this is wrong, my matrix should be something similar to

        2.69691 0 0 0

        0 3.73205 0 0

        0 0 -50 -1

        0 0 -1.01309e+06 0

What am I doing wrong? What else do I need to correctly compute the
projection matrix?
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