
>  OSG is setting the affinity for some of its own threads, which is totally 
> legitimate.

Currently, I was not able to confirm it on my Mac. But I think, I observed such 
a behaviour in my application on Linux.
But take it with a grain of salt, as it can be the result of some other side 
I will try to test it the following days with a simple test program, unless you 
can point out a mistake, and save me the trouble.

The following scenario sounds plausible to me:

If you are setting the osgViewer::Viewer::setThreadingMode(SingleThreaded), and 
then calling Viewer::realize(),
it will in turn call ViewerBase::setUpThreading() -> 
OpenThreads::SetProcessorAffinityOfCurrentThread(0); -> 

"pthread_setaffinity_np" will be called on the main thread, which is debatable, 
if it is its "OSGs own thread".

The side effect is arising on Linux from the following (man page):
> A new thread created by pthread_create(3) inherits a copy of its  creator's 
> CPU affinity mask.

So, all threads created either from the view or after the Viewer::realize() 
will only run on the main CPU.

Given the following (pseudo-)program, I would expect the threads to run 
parallel on all processors, but likely they aren't on Linux.

  int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    std::vector<int> myvector(1024);
    osgViewer::Viewer viewer;
    viewer.setSceneData( node );
    viewer.realize(); // calling ViewerBase::setUpThreading() -> 
OpenThreads::SetProcessorAffinityOfCurrentThread(0); -> 

    // Create Threads
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) pthread_create(...)


> On 24 Sep 2016, at 10:33, Sebastian Messerschmidt 
> <sebastian.messerschm...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> Wow, before this escalates: OSG is setting the affinity for some of its own 
> threads, which is totally legitimate.And I totally agree, that it would be 
> nice to have an interface to control the core/wether affinity is used in 
> single-threaded mode except from having to subclass the viewer.  
> If all other threads are forced to one core (as reported), by setting the 
> affinity of the osg-threads, it is clearly a bug and needs further inspection 
> . I've been working with OSG in a multi-threading environment for several 
> years and didn't experience problems so far however.
> So creating a minimal example might help to find the problem, if there is one.
> Cheers
> Sebastian 
>>> Affinity is set by default because the it will provide the best
>>> performance for majority of OSG applications. This might be a
>>> "terrible" reason for you, but the OSG development is motivated not by
>>> just focusing on one class of users needs or preferences, default
>>> settings we try to do the best for most OSG applications.
>> I have no particular desire to repeat the last discussion, but i'll say it 
>> again.
>> Hardcoding CPU affinity is:
>> a) unexpected
>> b) a premature optimisation 
>> c) not consistent across platforms
>> d) not easily reversible
>> e) a performance killer outside of one specific application model.
>> f) conflicting with other libraries that expect to set CPU affinity linked 
>> in the application
>> It is a terrible idea, and doing it in the context of a library is just 
>> plain wrong. 
>> PS. Reason f) doesn't really exist because other libraries don't do this, 
>> for reasons a,b,c,d and e.
>> ------------------
>> Read this topic online here:
>> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=68716#68716
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