Hi guys,

I have some problems with passing an std::vector to my shader as a uniform, and 
I was wondering, if anyone has some idea, how to do this. So my issue is that 
an std::vector of a custom defined data type have to get bound to the shader. I 
have an osg::UniformBufferObject and I would like to fill it with 
addBufferData(myVector). The problem is, that this method expects an osg 
BufferObject, and I can not figure it out, how I could convert my custom 
vector. I thought it should be possible, to create an osg::Array with any 
(custom) data type. But it seems, that you can only use  the from osg 
predefined objects. So is there maybe an other way, to convert a vector to a 
BufferObject or am I doing something wrong? :/

Thank you!


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