Right now I having problems setting unique uniforms and num instances on a per 
view basis (camera). 

Right now I am using hardware instancing, with a scene with 1000's of 
relatively complex objects, but only a handful of actual models. I was able to 
encode index's to textures + position and rotation transforms into a single 
texture buffer.

To do the viewport culling for this I added "proxy" nodes, which are just 
osg::group nodes, with a compute bound + cull call backs. The cull call back, 
calls back to a class tracking which instances are visible in which view. Each 
view has a group attach to it between the camera and the main scene. In said 
group, the texture buffer object is attached here.

The instanced models are further down in the scene graph. I in a draw callback 
from camera, I update each models uniform for its offset into the texture 
buffer, its instance count, plus texture buffer (transforms + some options for 
the fragment shader).  All of this works great until I have multiple cameras.

 Basically I cannot figure out a good way of modifying the instance count + 
offset uniform so I get unique values for each camera. Does anyone have some 
advice for this?

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