
1) I've been playing around with GL3 and CORE profiles on windows, and noticed 
that for CORE, the CMake script makes VS look for GL/glcorearb.h and for GL3 
profile it makes VS look for GL3/gl3.h neither of which are present on windows 
or VS. Just taking the glcorearb.h from the cronos page and placing it in the 
GL folder leads to other missing libraries. 
Is this a bug? If I change the CMake script to just look for the standard 
gl/GL.h on windows, everything compiles and builds. 
If that is how it should be, I can submit a fix for this, so that if set, GL3 
profile would not create errors in the build, using only gl/GL.h and still 
turning off all the deprecated functions.  Getting CORE to work is a bit more 
work....but at least GL3 will work...

2) When I do have GL3 profile enabled on windows, CMake turns off the fixed 
function pipeline and a few other deprecated functionalities. After I build OSG 
with this, most of the examples stop running correctly. I see a lot of GL 
errors and warning about things missing.  
Is this a normal thing? Are they just not converted to using newer GL 

Thank you,

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