On Fri, 29 Jun 2018 at 04:29, Maxim Stere <osgfo...@tevs.eu> wrote:
> Made a PR #570
> I will investigate windows GL libraries further, and see if I can make the 
> Kronos GL headers work on windows without much modifications.
> If I succeed I'll make another PR with fixes that will give users full GL 
> functionality on Windows.

I have rejected this PR on ground that I absolutely appalled by your
choice of github handle.  DieSlower?  That's is incredibly obnoxious.
What on earth were you thinking?  That people would respect you for
it?  It's truly horrible.

I want this community to be respectful and professional.  My
recommendation is that you delete your current github account and
start from scratch, respect yourself and those around, use a handle
that is either your own name or something positive.

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