I think Robert advised me on tweaking this probably 4 years ago for a
Windows system with 16 display outputs all running from one EXE, ensuring
there were the proper number of contexts and threads all playing nicely so
as not to jam up the bus.

What's your hardware profile look like? Which Linux OS? What CPUs and how
many, what display cards, and how many, how many outputs, etc. The exact
best mechanism may not be invariant across all situations.

On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 7:43 PM Trajce Nikolov NICK <
trajce.nikolov.n...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Community,
> I am totally new to this topic and that is the reason I am pinging you
> this time. Anyone with some experience or hints? I am after running (Linux)
> osg app N times so each app to have dedicated GPU, something in this
> fashion.
> I will investigate this too, but any word from you is highly appreciated.
> Thanks a bunch as always!
> Cheers,
> Nick
> --
> trajce nikolov nick
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