That driver release dates from at least 2015 from what I can see. Isn't
there anything newer available, before you go stressing about it?

On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 8:29 PM Andrew Cunningham <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using a vertex shader to do some hardware instancing and on Intel
> graphics drivers I am getting the error ( after I set
> Everything works great on nVidia.
> OpenGL Information:
> OpenGL Version: 4.2.0 - Build
> Vendor: Intel
> Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
> Compiling VERTEX source:
>     1: #version 110
>     2: //varying vec3 N;
>     3: //varying vec3 v;
>     4: attribute vec3 d;
>     5: void main()
>     6: {
>     7: vec3 pos = vec3(gl_Vertex) + d;
>     8: vec4 finalPos = vec4(pos, 1.0);
>     9: vec3 v = vec3(gl_ModelViewMatrix * finalPos);
>    10: vec3 N = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal);
>    11: vec4 Iamb = gl_FrontLightProduct[0].ambient;
>    12: vec3 L = normalize(gl_LightSource[0] - v);
>    13: vec4 Idiff = gl_FrontLightProduct[0].diffuse * abs(dot(N,L));
>    14: Idiff = clamp(Idiff, 0.0, 1.0);
>    15: vec4 Iamb2 = gl_FrontLightProduct[1].ambient;
>    16: vec3 L2 = normalize(gl_LightSource[1] - v);
>    17: vec4 Idiff2 = gl_FrontLightProduct[1].diffuse * abs(dot(N,L2));
>    18: Idiff2 = clamp(Idiff2, 0.0, 1.0);
>    19: gl_FrontColor =  Idiff+Iamb+Idiff2+Iamb2;
>    20: gl_BackColor =  Idiff+Iamb+Idiff2+Iamb2;
>    21: gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * finalPos;
>    22:  gl_ClipVertex = gl_ModelViewMatrix * finalPos;
>    23: }
> Linking osg::Program "" id=2 contextID=0
> Program's vertex attrib binding 1, d
> glLinkProgram "" FAILED
> OpenGL extension '' is not supported.
> I gather this might be something to do with  gl_ClipVertex but it's not
> clear what I can do.
> Thanks
> Andrew
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