Hi David,
 There is only OpenVR integrated in osg,and It's not maintained anymore. 
[osgOpenVrViewer]??https://github.com/ChrisDenham/osgopenvrviewer) And It only 
supports osg single thread mode.

------------------ ???????? ------------------
??????: "David Glenn"<da...@dglenn.com>;
????????: 2019??6??25??(??????) ????6:08
??????: "osg-users"<osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org>;

????: [osg-users] Osing OpenXR in OSG


I guess that I'm going to gripe on this subject like I did a year ago!
I know that OpenXR is at least in Open Bata and I was wondering what progress 
anyone has made incorporating it in OSG. 

While I was in GDC I did see Khronos make some progress in this area and I even 
got to see someone do a demo of a VR display using HTC Vive. I challenged the 
group that worked on that and never heard from them again.

I think one of the holdbacks was the interactive controls was not set yet, but 
from my perspective, they could have worked at the visual. 

I know that if I had the time and resources that I would hack this out, but one 
of the sad drawbacks of having a job is not having the time. It must be that 
most people still see this technology as a flash in the pan, but I think it??s 
taking on traction.  


Thank you!

David Glenn.

David Glenn
D Glenn 3D Computer Graphics Entertainment.

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