Hi Paul,

I have the Quick Start Guide and I must say the quality of the book is
impressive, you really do get down to using OSG quickly. Though for the
simple examples, but it is a start for all new members of OSG. :) It
also acts as a mini reference for some of the older members who don't
work  full time with OSG, the hobbiest I refering too.

The only concern I have about the official Reference is that it is for
OSG 1.2, and we are sitting at OSG 2.0 which is also a major version
change, thus plenty nice new features and some API changes, particularly
to the use of SimpleViewer, etc thats helps with better integration with
many widget libraries. I believe the new interface will work better with
GTKMM and GTK+, as the older interface was a real pain to use. Though I
discover ease of use when I have free time at the end of the year.

What is your plans regarding a reference for OSG 2.0?


Paul Martz wrote:
> Hi OSGers --
> On an experimental basis, I'm going to try direct sales of OSG
> documentation from my Web site: www.skew-matrix.com
> <http://www.skew-matrix.com>. Select *Books* from the menu on the left.
> When you order an OSG book in hardcopy, I'll give you access to the
> PDF for free. This isn't such a big deal for the /Quick Start Guide/,
> but should be a great deal for the /reference Manual/.
> Because this is an experiment, to keep the Web programming simple, I
> can't accept orders from outside the US, or from Alaska, Hawaii, or
> Colorado. If your delivery address is in one of those regions, you
> should order from Lulu.com.
> For more info about OSG books, go to www.osgbooks.com
> <http://www.osgbooks.com>.
> Also, just a reminder about OSG training to be held in Huntsville,
> Alabama this September. Register now to receive the discounted price.
> Tuition goes up for registration after July 9. To register, visit
> www.skew-matrix.com <http://www.skew-matrix.com> and select *Training
> *from the menu on the left.
> Thanks,
> Paul Martz
> *Skew Matrix Software LLC*
> http://www.skew-matrix.com <http://www.skew-matrix.com/>
> 303 859 9466
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