I am not sure I understand the question, in Java the exceptions are thrown to 
callers so a good design allows the top level to centralize handling exceptions 
(see my blog about Exception Hygiene). However, this is kind of orthogonal to 

Kind regards,

        Peter Kriens

On 11 mrt 2011, at 10:21, Michael Hüttermann wrote:

> Hello,
> I want to aggregate all (or at least a subset of) possible exceptions in my 
> bundles for error reporting. I'm using bundles that directly use classes of 
> other bundles as well as services. What is the recommended design for this? 
> Or is there any specific feature that could help here? Can I propagate all 
> exceptions to a central place to manage them there centrally? (maybe an 
> Activator can help here, but how?)
> Thank you.
> Regards
> Michael
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