Well, this was the central tenet of my blog. Never catch exceptions when you 
cannot do something really useful with them (like 99% of the cases) and let 
them bubble up to the highest level. At the highest level you usually have a 
clear way to report back what went wrong. E.g. before you call a servlet, etc.

Unfortunately, there is no generic mechanism that I know off and I expect this 
is not really possible because it depends.

Kind regards,

        Peter Kriens

On 12 mrt 2011, at 09:26, Michael Hüttermann wrote:

> Hi Peter,
> yes, my question looks strongly like a follow-up to your blog post. I want to 
> trace/report all exceptions, and I neither want to use AOP, nor do I want to 
> add additional boiler plate code to every single try/catch-block. Rather I'm 
> looking for a central place where I'm informed about all "exceptional 
> behavior". If I would propagate all exceptions (not catching them at all, as 
> you've written in your blog), what would be the central, upper-most location 
> in an OSGi bundle to catch all exceptions then?
> Thank you.
> Regards
> Michael
> Am Freitag, den 11.03.2011, 18:50 +0100 schrieb Peter Kriens 
> <peter.kri...@aqute.biz>:
>> I am not sure I understand the question, in Java the exceptions are
>> thrown to callers so a good design allows the top level to centralize
>> handling exceptions (see my blog about Exception Hygiene). However,
>> this is kind of orthogonal to OSGi.
>> Kind regards,
>>      Peter Kriens
>> On 11 mrt 2011, at 10:21, Michael Hüttermann wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I want to aggregate all (or at least a subset of) possible exceptions in my 
>>> bundles for error reporting. I'm using bundles that directly use classes of 
>>> other bundles as well as services. What is the recommended design for this? 
>>> Or is there any specific feature that could help here? Can I propagate all 
>>> exceptions to a central place to manage them there centrally? (maybe an 
>>> Activator can help here, but how?)
>>> Thank you.
>>> Regards
>>> Michael
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