I've been using Reactor as well, mainly because it has better method names
and uses Java 8 functionality. I've also started using Monix in Scala which
is compliant with the same RS API standard. There's also vert.x which works
well in OSGi and supports the RS API, though it doesn't really provide a
nice DSL for using it (most things in it either use callbacks or have an
RxJava 1.x API).

On 17 May 2017 at 18:35, Simon Chemouil <ecli...@mithrandir.net> wrote:

> Simon Spero a écrit le 18/05/2017 à 01:12 :
> > The   reactive-streams API is  provided by the nested interfaces in
> > jdk9s java.util.concurrent.Flow (Doug Lea original here
> > <http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/jsr166/src/
> jdk8/java/util/concurrent/Flow.java?view=markup>).
> It's been available for a while and as a valid OSGi bundle on maven
> Central [1] with several implementations. Doug Lea is not the author of
> the RS APIs, but as the lead for JEP 266 [2] he moved them into
> j.u.concurrent.
> > Of course, they aren't actual sub-types of the org.reactivestreams.*
> > classes, so wrap and delegate.
> > A basic-but-Doug-Lea push-stream with flow control is included in
> > java.util.concurrent.SubmissionPublisher
> > <http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/jsr166/src/
> jdk8/java/util/concurrent/SubmissionPublisher.java?
> revision=1.6&view=markup> ;
> > rxjava2  Flowable's are nicer.
> I use Reactor[3], which is inspired by RxJava but was built from the
> start with reactive streams and back-pressure in mind.
> Simon
> [1]
> http://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails%7Corg.reactivestreams%7Creactive-
> streams%7C1.0.0.final%7Cjar
> [2] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/266
> [3] http://projectreactor.io/
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