On 2018-10-21T12:57:46 +0200
Peter Kriens <peter.kri...@aqute.biz> wrote:

> The bnd code contains an AggregateRepository class that aggregates a number 
> of repositories defined by the OSGi Repository standard. It is actually used 
> in the bnd resolver API.
> Kind regards,
>       Peter Kriens

On 2018-10-21T13:40:33 +0200
Raymond Auge <raymond.a...@liferay.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Oct 21, 2018, 13:38 Raymond Auge, <raymond.a...@liferay.com> wrote:
> > Additionally, the OSGi repository format defines the "referral" [1]
> > element which points at another index file. This way you can combine repos
> > whoever you like.
> >  
> ... and yes, bnd supports this.

Got it, thanks!

Mark Raynsford | http://www.io7m.com

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