Hello all,

I'm playing with a kind of management agent where I need to search and download bundles (and some other resources) to install them in an OSGi node.

With a Repository service instance I'm able to create multiple requirements (using newRequirementBuilder() method) and return the resources that fulfill those requirements. nice.

But my problem now is that sometimes I already have some of those bundles previously installed and sometimes they are already resolved, so I wouldn't need to download them again nor any of its dependencies.

What I understood reading the specs is that I need to use the resolve() method from the Resource service in order to calculate what is necessary to download from a external repository.

Well, but how should I build its required *ResolveContext* parameter and how to use its returned */Map<Resource, List<Wire>>/* in order to build the requirements to Repository's findProviders() method?

I would appreciate any tip.

best regards,


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