On 01/12/2018 19:32, Raymond Auge wrote:
The basic idea is that you want to represent the capabilities of the existing system as already being provided, used to support the requirements you're searching for, but ultimately excluded from the result, such that only missing capabilities are included in the result.

You might want to look at https://github.com/bndtools/bnd/blob/master/biz.aQute.resolve/src/biz/aQute/resolve/BndrunResolveContext.java and note how when using a "distro" (a predefined set of provided capabilities) it performs exactly this logic.

- Ray

Hi Raymond,

Thanks again for your support. ;)

I was thinking that I had understood the concept you exposed, but looking at the example.... wow, it is more complex than I was expecting.

My understanding until now was that I would somehow mount a "snapshot" of the node using a ResolveContext object and then call the Resolver.resolve(). After that, to call the repository's findProvider() using somehow the built snapshot...

but BndrunResolveContext receives a Repository instance on it constructor. Why would I need a repository inside the context?

best regards,


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