Dear Diane,

I have listed some examples of issues of Open Space events I have facilitated.

- how can robots create value for sustainable development: for my organisation, and for society in general ? (see: for a nice invitation) - is our profession a dying race, or the profession of the future ? (national association of accountants) - what new business opportunities do we see, and how do we create them ? (steel multinational) - how do we train our voices to sing our joint melody ? (pharmacies merging) - in three years, our jobs won't exist anymore: what new ones do we create instead ? (professional association) - how do we get young Danish people to exercise more ? (NGO in health care) - what leadership do we need and how do we create it ? (network of HR professionals) - how do we develop our department, each of us and together ? (Surgery department, University hospital) - how do we implement the values our leadership has formulated in practice ? (Regional Tax Office) - what is the future of wiki's and how do we create it ? (Wiki community WikiSym 2006)
-       how do we cooperate in our network of excellence (steel multinational)
- one ESS: how do we create it ? (engineering multinational, on how to have its units across the world cooperate)
-       nature & poverty: how do we cooperate in the area in future ? (NGO's)
- how do we create the best product for the high end of the market ? (Software firm) - what building does our knowledge center need ? (knowledge centre in agriculture: for those who were at OSonOS11, you have seen the result) - what should are business plan for the coming period look like, and how do we ensure it is implemented ? (sales company) - interactive research: enough ideas and experiences: but how do we create a breakthrough ? (University)
-       what school do we need in future, and how do we create it ? (school)
- what do our future children's departments look like, and how do we create them ? (association of librarians) - a fantastic international conference in Holland: how do we organise it and ensure the process leads to an active Community of Practice ? (IODA) - what new partnerships can we create and how do we go about it ? (knowledge center) - after many years of success we have come into a period of stagnation: how do we turn the tide ? (Association of fruit producers) - how should we lead the process of digitalisation in our province ? (provincial authority) - in heart diseases, Denmark is on a 35th place, at par with Zimbabwe. How do we get to the number 1 spot ? (pharmaceutical)
-       one partnerteam, how do we create it ? (one of the big Four)
- we have created the foundation; how do we develop our organisation in the next phase ? (hospital) - what does consulting in the pig- and building sector look like in future, and how do we create it ? (regional advisory service)
-       how to reboot reboot ? (reboot is a yearly event for E-professionals)
- the guidelines have changed; how do we implement them ? (pharmaceutical)
-       success in our cooperation: how do we create it ?
- what are the implications of the vision for roles and responsabilities in our department, and how do we realise these ? (large city) - given the strengths and weaknesses in our bid process, how do we increase our win rate ? (consulancy firm) - how can we innovate at the same time we need to cut costs ? (investment fund) - how do we develop a new way of working, building on our knowledge and networks ? (University) - what activities should our alumni association organise and how do we bring them alive ? (alumni association)
-       how can we best improve our campaigns ? (large consultancy firm)
- how do we create competence development and training which adds value in reality, each of
        and together (conference centre)
-       what should our vision be and how do we make it alive ? (project)
- how do we create a transition to sustainable agricultural systems ? (Ministry)
-       how do we keep the birds in the meadows ? (Ministry)
- what follow-up treatment should our clients have, and what role could we play in this ? (psychiatric hospital) - what is good pain treatment, and how do we organise it in our region ? (regional cancer centre) - our new business model is in place: how do we implement it, each of us alone, and together ? - how do we develop our department the coming years ? (medical department, university hospital) - how do we create the best health care system in the world ? (pharmaceutical) - what does the future require from us, and how do we prepare for this succesfully ? (union) - we are at the end of one phase, how do we prepare the next one ? (inspection) - food security and international cooperation; what will we do ? (University) - in meeting we can get to understand eachother's differences: how will we do this ? (Fund) - how do we optimise our cooperation and knowledge exchange ? (research department) - what needs to be done to create really good facilities i our town, and how will we do this ? (town)
-       how do we create new growth in our sector ? (University department)
- what future do we see for artists, and how do we create it ? (association of artists)
-       the region's knowledge cluster: how do we create it ?
- what developments do we see, what should we offer in the near future and how do we organise it ?
-       how do we cooperate in a way which creates value for each of us ?

Greetings from Svenmark,

Gerard Muller
Open Space Institute Denmark
Phone: (+45) 21269621                           Skype: openspace1

On Sep 24, 2006, at 4:51 PM, Diana Larsen wrote:

As I go into planning for an upcoming open space, I want to take a fresh vie of Themes. Try out some heretofore unexplored ways of thinking about themes. Will you help?

1) What are some avenues you pursue when developing the overarching theme for an Open Space? i.e., How do _you_ go about it? Where do you look and listen for a theme that intrigues your desired participants? 2) What have been some of the most evocative themes you've developed or encountered? When have you been hooked by a theme?
3) What forms the essential elements of a theme?

Just wonderin'

Diana Larsen
co-author, _Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great_ (Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2006)

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