hi romy,

two ideas...

#1.  i have for some time  framed open space as a practice in
invitation, and one that cascades from the first invitation (to gather),
to the 'invitations to meet' that participants post on the wall in
the first event, to the 'invitations to action' they document in each
session's proceedings, to the next round of 'invitations to gather'...
 in closing circles i am usually reminding folks that all of this good
stuff they're thanking each other for was started with one invitation...
and this is a concept that folks in all kinds of organizations have
told me really works for them.

i also talk about inviting as being a way to straddle the space, balance
the tension, between achievement and spirit.  want to be inspired but
not be and achivement.  gotta do achievemnt, can't do spirit.  can DO
and BE inviting, both personally and collectively in org.  to me this is
a bridge.  also talk about 'post and
host' as a way to be beyond 'command and control'.

finally, i think harrison has already mentioned it earlier (though
for a different story?), but my two favorite stories from tales from
open space are birgitt's and lloyd keplers, both heading in the
direction of open space orgs.

#2.  second, re: cyberstuff, leslie d'agostino at lucent has had great
experiences with participants creating their own websites to post and
follow up on proceedings documentation/action.  i haven't done one
myself, but i would think it'd be simple enought to make one page for
the top vote-getting topics and then link those to pages with lists of
all topics associated with those topics, then linked to all notes from
those sessions.  also a page with all topics linked to the notes for
each.  they're not as tech'd out as lucent, probably, but surely they've
got some internal tech folks who might help a bit?

hope this helps, michael


Michael Herman
...inviting results in evolving organizations

Michael Herman Associates
300 West North Avenue #1105
Chicago IL 60610
312-280-7838 voice/fax

The Global Chicago Network

Michael Herman Associates

Worldwide Open Space Website

romy shovelton wrote:
> Hi all
> Thanks for your various reponses to my note about examples of blue chip
> organisations using OS - including the Guinness drinkers who identified
> themselves !
> My request was because I may have the opportunity to introduce Open Space,
> to the multinational leadership group of Diageo (the huge consumer goods
> company that was formed from the merger of GrandMet (inc. Pillsbury and
> Burger King) and Guinness, 2 1/2 years ago.
> I believe that this has the potential to be a fantastic opportunity to have
> a major organisation really take Open Space to heart.
> Having said that, the enquiry is all very new.... and who knows what might
> happen (or not) in practice ie. "whatever happens...."
> As I sit here today putting together an outline programme for Diageo (as
> requested), I realise that I am not as strong as  I might be in myself, in
> terms of moving from Open Space events into an on-going Open Space presence
> - or in the longer run an Open Space Organisation.  The client has said
> that they do not want this to be a 'one-off' - more the start of a journey
> - which is perfect.  And they have asked for thoughts on what the follow-on
> or journey might look like.   Right now I am feeling that I could be
> clearer about what that might be like:  in the note I have written so far,
> I have been rather vague about what I've called Part2 of the programme.
> Part 1 - "How might we live our leadership promise?" - creating the
> fundamentals of a leadership community (2 day Open Space including action
> planning and the formation of Action Teams (or some other convergence
> activity). I have outlined a potential programme for this event.
> Part 2 - building the on-going journey - making this real in our daily
> lives
> Part 3 - review of our Community - how are we doing ? (in six months time)
> This is what I have suggested so far for Part 2............
> Part 2 - building the on-going journey - making this real in our daily
> lives:
> We would work with the Design Team to map out this programme in outline
> before the first event.  The detail can be explored after the event, with
> the Design Team and co-ordinators of the various Action Teams.  In brief,
> we would expect this might include:
> · A practical and effective intranet presence for the leadership community
> · Co-ordination of the work of the Action Teams - by the teams themselves,
> with central support
> · Potential clarification of ways of working identified during the event
> · The calling of further face-to-face meetings as necessary - for example
> using Open Space Technology to discuss 'hot    button' issues as they
> arise.
> I would love your thoughts on:
> * what are some great ways to make cyberspace work with Open Space?
> Although I have known about the effectiveness of the cyberspace-Open Space
> mix for years (eg. via TMN and the work of Doug Carmichael and others)... I
> have not yet put such a thing into practice myself.... and therefore feel
> somewhat  vulnerable on this.  I would like to be prepared to be intensely
> practical with the folks at Diageo.  While I can read of the services of
> Caucus and TASC...... it is also a question of how the use of such
> technologies is integrated with the face-to-face opening of space, and how
> to encourage senior folks to engage with such technologies etc. If you have
> any advice to offer on the brilliant use of cyberspace, I'd love to hear
> it.
> * what other mechanisms/ processes might you suggest for supporting a
> continuation of the journey after the first Open Space event?  Again I feel
> that I need to be more specific that saying "they can call an Open Space,
> when the issues come up".  As I write this, it sounds a little as though I
> am not quite 'trusting the process' - which feels weird, having been a
> champion for OS for so long?  And...... I would really welcome some
> practical thoughts from colleagues.
> so... in anticipation of more OSLIST wisdom....
> thanks from
> Romy
> *
> *
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