I was thinking that maybe the antidote to the eventual tyranny of 
structurelessness is to open space, again and again, until true democracy can 


Juan Luis


De: OSList [mailto:oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org] En nombre de Rosa 
Zubizarreta via OSList
Enviado el: sábado, 03 de octubre de 2015 12:19
Para: Daniel Mezick; World wide Open Space Technology email list
Asunto: Re: [OSList] The Tyranny of Structurelessness


Hi Daniel,

Yes, this is a key piece... I see it as very similar in some ways to what Ken 
Wilber wrote later, 

about the "shadow side of the green meme". (Each meme has its own shadow, as 
well as its own gift...)

So, I love "green". I love circles, I love non-hierarchy, etc. 
And, part of the "shadow side of the green meme" is how ideologically 
anti-structure it can become... 

to the point where some people may not even agree that OST does, in fact, offer 
a very simple and effective structure.

By way contrast, think of a situation where group of people (who don't know 
about OST, and/or, who are having a power struggle around "which process to 
use", and/or....  ) might easily spending a whole weekend arguing about "how to 
self-organize ourselves"... with a great deal more pain and frustration and a 
great deal less value.

whereas, instead, IF someone knows about OST, and, a clear invitation has been 
extended, and, there is enough trust/suspension of disbelief so that 
participants are willing to enter into that format, 

then, we end up with a very simple and elegant structure that allows people to 
self-organize beautifully.... 

at least that's how i see it! :-)

with all best wishes,


Rosa Zubizarreta

Developing Participatory and Co-intelligent Leadership
Author of  <http://www.conflict2creativity.com> From Conflict to Creative 

For more resources and learning opportunities, visit


On Sat, Oct 3, 2015 at 9:26 AM, Daniel Mezick via OSList 
<oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

by Jo Freeman aka Joreen

I find this essay extremely interesting. I hope you do, too. 

Here is a pertinent quote, from the essay:
"...the idea of "structurelessness" does not prevent the formation of informal 
structures, only formal ones."

Circa 1970. Context: the women's movement. Quick summary of the main points: 
from the essay...

*       During the years in which the women's liberation movement has been 
taking shape, a great emphasis has been placed on what are called leaderless, 
structureless groups as the main -- if not sole -- organizational form of the 

*       The idea of "structurelessness," however, has moved from a healthy 
counter to those tendencies, to becoming a goddess in its own right.

*       Contrary to what we would like to believe, there is no such thing as a 
structureless group. 

*       This means that to strive for a structureless group is as useful, and 
as deceptive, as to aim at an "objective" news story, "value-free" social 
science, or a "free" economy. A "laissez faire" group is about as realistic as 
a "laissez faire" society; the idea becomes a smokescreen for the strong or the 
lucky to establish unquestioned hegemony over others. 

*       This hegemony can be so easily established because the idea of 
"structurelessness" does not prevent the formation of informal structures, only 
formal ones. 

*       For everyone to have the opportunity to be involved in a given group 
and to participate in its activities, the structure must be explicit, not 

*       It is this informal structure, particularly in Unstructured groups, 
which forms the basis for elites.

Just in case you have not yet encountered the full text of this essay, here it 

by Jo Freeman aka Joreen

203 915 7248 <tel:203%20915%207248> 

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