Dear Harrison.

As I read your post the sun is just rising in the uk over the frosted fields. 
If ever there was a thought for the day or everyday in this time of disruption 
and division, that was it.

So good morning to you and happy birthday for tomorrow .

Sent by iPhone
Karl Royle
Head of Enterprise and Commercial Development

Faculty of Education Health and Wellbeing
University of Wolverhampton 
@karlroyle. On Twitter
Karlr61 Skype 

> On 1 Dec 2016, at 02:38, Harrison Owen via OSList 
> <> wrote:
> Alan, Birgitt --- For as long as I can remember (which gets shorter and
> shorter) it has been clear to me, and I actually think I have said (wrote)--
> "Open Space begins with yourself."
> Doing the "Big One" for whatever cause or reason is great -- but
> fundamentally immaterial to emerging life. A little splash in the pond, so
> to speak. And likewise, I do believe that the "difference" between "inside"
> and "outside" is illusory. What you is -- is what you is. What you do is
> what you are. 
> Opening space is not -- as I experience it -- A Facilitated Process, a
> method, a process. Something we learn and do for and with people. Opening
> space is fundamental to our relationship with fellow human beings. If we
> have the privilege and pleasure of Opening Space on the big stage for a
> grand cause --the results can be awesome. But all that is really trivial
> compared to opening space every day, in every way, with everyone. That's
> useful. I think.
> ho
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: OSList [] On Behalf Of
> Alan Stewart via OSList
> Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 11:30 PM
> To: Birgitt Williams; World wide Open Space Technology email list
> Subject: Re: [OSList] Begin with yourself
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 30, 2016, at 9:18 AM, Birgitt Williams via OSList
> <> wrote:
>> Dear friends and colleagues,
>> I write this to you because it may be of interest to you as something you
> can do personally, in this time of turbulence in the world, with difficult
> elections happening in so many countries, with challenges about water and
> other essentials, and with humanity in some chaos.I was thinking about how
> many people including facilitators of OST are getting swept up in the chaos,
> getting in touch with their own anger, fear, positionality, and some
> significant feelings of despair. It happens to the best of us...we intend to
> stay balanced, to be of service to humanity....and we end up off kilter
> somehow.
>> I was reading the posts on civil discourse and of course cheer on anyone
> who feels ready to tackle creating openings for important and hopefully
> bridge building conversations. However, if you are not ready, and find
> yourself reeling, it may be time to focus on yourself, regaining your own
> equilibrium, health and balance. This is not a selfish act. Rather, it makes
> good sense. You might take a little time and invest in yourself and your
> personal well being. Once you are ready, you will be coming at any
> facilitation for civil discourse from a personal reservoir that can help you
> stay neutral and balanced. It is that whole business of putting the oxygen
> mask on your own face first. I am not referring only to those affected by
> the USA matter what country you are in or what the issues and
> opportunities are that are generating the chaos in your area. There is a lot
> of political unrest in most countries with elections and strong
> polarizations.
>> Even if you are not in a position to facilitate OST meetings in your area
> for civil discourse right now, and even if you got your own self out of your
> own personal balance and ability to hold steady without adding to
> polarization, and even if you feel somewhat hopeless or in shock, you can
> take some action about your state of 'being' as an important, important gift
> to the world...likely a greater gift than your 'doing', although doing is
> important too if you can manage it.
>> I just wanted to add my voice to say 'you don't need to do anything now'
> if that is not possible for you. Your state of being is just as important to
> harmony in the world.
>> Blessings all around,
>> Birgitt
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