On Saturday, 17 November 2018 21:39:13 UTC+1, Frapta wrote:
> I'm using Osmand+ 3.2.6 on my Android 4.4.2 tablet and quite often all 
> setting is getting lost. When it happens the app behaves like started for 
> the first time ever. All my files including maps, tracks, rendering styles 
> ... all is still visible on sd card, only Osmand does not see it, although 
> surprisingly the path to this data is still set in Osmand correctly (Osmand 
> claims that the folder is read only now). Same issue was experienced on few 
> previous builds as well.
> I always end up with deleting all the files and folders via PC and then 
> re-installing the app with re-setting and re-downloading of the maps, which 
> is more than annoying. I have not figured yet how to replicate this 
> behavior, it happened even after normal app shutdown.
> Not being an expert, but I would hope there must be a way to tell Osmand: 
> just use all the files in such and such location without re-install. Anyone 
> can advise, please?
> Thanks.

I suspect you have the data installed on SD Card? I did experience the same 
and the reason was that the SD card (or the connections) were buggy - the 
SD card was sometimes disappearing and reappering in system. You wouldn't 
even notice this, just the message telling you to "disconnect" sdcard 
before ejecting it would come up. 
Another reason was when I was using "non standard" way to move the folder - 
using init script (move to sdcard and similar) to access the card. You have 
to wait for the boot to finish if this is the case, and it takes 
surprisingly long time - sometimes minutes.

Do not delete the files - simply rename the folder, let it recreate, and 
manually move the files back. But unless you get to the root of the 
problem, it will come back again and again.

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