Over years of taking an interest in free Android mapping apps, I have found 
a few that directly enhance OsmAnd. Anyone know any others?

   1. Map Bookmark / Streetview Player / GPX Viewer 
   amazing! You can share a route to it from OsmAnd and see it animated in 
   Google Streetview. When you're editing Openstreetmaps, you can drop a pin 
   in Osmand, share to this app and pick "streetview" and refresh your memory 
   about what it might look like. In Google Maps, you can share a location to 
   this app, select "Osmand" and sometimes it transfers, for me sometimes it 
   2. Map2Geo :Transfer to other map 
   <https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=catfish.android.map2geo> is 
   great for transferring locations between map apps via the "share" 
   mechanism. Works great for Google Maps to OsmAnd but warns that a lot of 
   internet data is required. The developer has other free map-related apps 
   worth a look.
   3. Acastus Photon 
   <https://f-droid.org/en/packages/name.gdr.acastus_photon/> gives online 
   OSM address/POI lookup using Photon, can send to OsmAnd. A much more 
   forgiving search than the online Nominatim search currently available in 
I hope someone finds something useful here, or maybe can contribute more!

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