Hi Brett,

>From our perspective, it's definitely worth adding this feature because we use 
>OsmosisReader in a host of custom Java applications (dozens of them). I think 
>at this point, Osmosis code is running on our servers 24/7/365 doing various 
>kinds of back-end processing for different groups around the world.

I totally understand the part about not having time. I am the author of Apache 
Wicket and I've stepped away from that project for what are probably similar 
reasons (OSS really does soak up time like mad!). So, I will spend some time 
developing a patch for OsmosisReader that supports this new location-enhanced 
format and I'll get in touch when my patch is ready for your review. With luck, 
I shouldn't have too many questions and the patch will be close to what you'd 
like. I figure I will just need to look at the proto files and maybe the osmium 
code and make the appropriate changes. Anyway, thanks for writing a great 
little library. I've had few if any problems with it and like I said, it powers 
a lot of what we do with OSM.




Hi Jon,

It sounds like a great initiative.  Linking ways to locations efficiently
is perhaps the greatest challenge of working with OSM data, and the one
I've spent more time on than most.  Including that information in the raw
data sets would be a huge boon for downstream consumers.

As you may have noticed Osmosis development is fairly quiet these days.
I'm not able to spend much time on it, and it doesn't see many other
contributions.  Unfortunately this means you'll probably be on your own.
I'll do my best to answer any questions, but am unlikely to be able to help

I'm curious about whether it's worth adding to Osmosis.  Are there many use
cases that other tools like Osmium don't cover?  If there are that's great,
I'm a bit out of touch.

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