
> http://osrm.at/?hl=en&loc=48.208845,16.372329&loc=48.276104,16.791565


> This seems very wrong, though, Google maps estimates 
> (http://goo.gl/maps/EPt14)
> a.) a likely more optimal route, preferring bigger streets
> b.) estimates 45,1 km, 47 Minutes. Almsot 30 mins difference in a 47 minutes 
> route seems way off…

We do not have any real traffic info, especially no information on how long 
routes actually takes. Thus we have to make educated guesses. Unfortunately, 
these guesses may sometimes be off. If we just had an army of cell phones 
telling us their positions every other minute. ;-)

> I am not sure what this is caused by, the map data seems ok for this route.

Did you spot any portions of the route that take obviously too long?

> Besides this huge time difference, one particullarily interesting detail in 
> the routing is at http://osrm.at/6PV, where OSRM prefers a short cut through 
> a much smaller street (tertiary vs primary) that has much more crossings, and 
> http://osrm.at/6PW would be the much preferred rout..
> Any ideas why this is happening?

Both routes have a very similar estimated driving time with the „bad“ one just 
a bit faster. Turn penalties, ie. caring for turns and passed intersections is 
on the roadmap.

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