Hi Linda


I worked as a community OT for adults with Phys dis in England up until April 
this year. There were big changes happening regarding the Single Assessment 
Process etc. I was based in an office with Social Workers and our roles were 
beginning to become blurred, where the OT's were being asked to Commission care 
for patients (for the S/W to review 6 weeks later). Previously the OT would 
have referred to the S/W and not got involved in the care. This did not sit 
comfortably with me, and it sounds like you are a leap further where your title 
has changed...... and you have a dual role? 


With your way of working, do the S/W's and OT's train each other? The initial 
assessment is a vital part of the OT process, is there a risk that the two 
disciplines may miss something in the assessment that the other would usually 
pick up?

If a social worker completes an assessment and identifies specific OT needs 
does the practitioner with OT background then take over the case? 


In this area of OT it is common for a patient to see a no. of professionals, 
particularly OT, PT and S/W's so I guess this is with an aim to reduce the no. 
of professionals involved??


I find it very scary and a real threat to our profession, once you are not 
called an OT then that professional identity is lost and a role like OT that is 
so often misunderstood will become even more confused...... to other 
professionals and the patients.


How do you feel about these changes?



> From: peacefulwarr...@btopenworld.com
> To: OTlist@OTnow.com
> Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2009 10:55:33 +0100
> Subject: [OTlist] Personalisation
> I am an OT working in England for Adult Social Care (Social Services), we
> are implementing the personalisation agenda, giving choice and control to
> service users through individual budgets. I am now working in a team
> alongside my Social Work colleagues, our title has been changed to Self
> Directed Support Practitioners, assessing for both OT and SW. Are there any
> others out there who are experiencing this change? I realise this e-mail is
> not very informative but will expand more if I receive any questions.
> Linda Hicks
> --
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