Jen,  IF  I were in your shoes, I would not recommend specific locations
UNLESS  you've been to the actual house. There are too many variables to
accurately predict where a person should place bars. Personally, I would
not recommend any equipment because again, there are too many variables.
I  think  it's great to educate patients on different types of equipment
including  the  pros  and cons, but leave the actual selection up to the
patient and/or the home health OT and patient.


Ron Carson MHS, OT

----- Original Message -----
From: Jennifer Fredrick <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009
To: <>
Subj: [OTlist] Speaking of grab bars and other AE

JF> I'm new to working in acute care after several years in pediatrics, so I'm
JF> trying to get the hang of things.  As far as grab bars, is there a good
JF> resource to consult for where they should be located, and how high, and any
JF> other considerations besides those already mentioned?

JF> And are there any other "Ugh, I can't believe the acute care therapist told
JF> them to get THAT!" items that I should be aware of?

JF> Jen

JF> -----Original Message-----
JF> From: [] On Behalf
JF> Of Sue
JF> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 8:13 PM
JF> To:
JF> Subject: Re: [OTlist] Suction-cupped grab bars

JF> I provide a list of trusted professionals who have worked with us for over
JF> 10 years; but I always tell them that they are free to use whomever they
JF> want to use.  If they say they "know someone," I then write down the
JF> important considerations, such as installing into studs of wall, type of
JF> bars I prefer for their particular situation, etc., and I will mark in
JF> pencil the approximate height and location of where I want the bar(s) to
JF> go.   
JF> Susan

JF> --
JF> Options?

JF> Archive?



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