It's so weird that you mention empathy. I was just discussing with the
OTA   program   director  that  I  believe  that  having  students  do
disability/impairment  simulation  tends  to minimize patients' actual
experiences. I say this because the biggest problem facing patients is
the  LONG  term  impact of impairment/disability. And, this can NOT be
simulated in the classroom.

Anyway,  it's  just  funny you mentioned it because I was just talking
about. And on a final note, the OTA program director disagreed with my
assertion. <LOL>


----- Original Message -----
From: Diane Randall <>
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009
To: <>
Subj: [OTlist] OTlist Digest, Vol 74, Issue 1

DR> "My clients
DR> probably know more about neuroplasticity and grading activities than
DR> many OT's!"

DR> That brings to mind Ron's thread about teaching COTA's. A very powerful
DR> teaching approach is to help students empathize with the plight of those
DR> with disease and disability. I heard there are glasses that can be worn that
DR> mimic neglect? Is that true? I remember the Vaseline on the glasses to mimic
DR> cataracts and clothes pins on fingers to mimic the pain of arthritis.



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