I agree with a lot of what you are saying in these discussions, I share the 
Not a day goes by that I don't go to my mail box and get at least 2 or more 
flyers offering me a job in OT, also I get unsolicited phone calls from 
recruiters offering me a job. Where I work we are considered short staffed and 
looking to hire, Head hunters call my work and ask if anyone is looking to 
change jobs (quite sneaky i might add). So the value and demand for OT services 
is there from the perspective of employers seeking OT out. I don't think 
there's any denying that! Employers see $$ value in having OT staff...or so it 
seems, they want us but they don't understand what or who we are. What an 
interesting dilemma! I even get a lot of flyers from home health companies. Is 
it possible if they had more of us in home health, they might utilze us better. 
Just a question.
Brent Cheyne



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