Hello Group,


Continued with synchronization code.  This is the
last major section of Open Connector that needs to
be tackled.  Rewritting some of the older untested
code in a manner that should make it a bit more

This Week

The focus for the following week is to continue with
the synchonization code.  This layer needs to be
completed then tested.

The deadline for the first beta release for Open-
Connector is still this weekend, the 15th.  Though
we may miss that deadline if testing doesn't let up.
If we do the new deadline would be May 1st.

ChangeLog Entries

2006-04-12  kervin

        * mstore/O_IMsgStore.cpp, mstore/O_IXPLogon.cpp: Does not compile.
          Continued debugging inter-provider communication. Reworked
          account/folder mapping a bit in an effort to make it work. Need
          to finish work on the appointment folder loading code next.

2006-04-11  kervin

        * mstore/O_IMessage.cpp, mstore/O_IMessage.h,
          mstore/O_IMsgStore.cpp, mstore/O_IMsgStore.h,
          mstore/O_IXPLogon.cpp, otlkcon_calendar_component.h,
          otlkcon_event.h, protocols/caldav/caldav.cpp,
          protocols/caldav/caldav.h: Continued with inter-provider
          messaging. Lots of the old code refactored to pass around flat
          objects. None of this has been tested. Need to update the
          contents table after the message store modifies an appointment
          folder during sync. Testing after that. And ICalExport/Import
          functions on O_IMessage need to be written.

2006-04-10  kervin

        * mstore/O_IFolder.h, mstore/O_IMsgStore.cpp,
          mstore/O_IXPLogon.cpp, otlkcon_calendar_component.cpp,
          otlkcon_calendar_component.h, otlkcon_config.h,
          protocols/caldav/caldav.cpp, protocols/caldav/caldav.h: Does not
          compile. Continued with inter-provider message passing.
          Changed otlkcon_calendar_component so it it is flat and thus can
          be passed in a message. Modified O_IMsgStore to look at the
          folders contents table for the foreign ID and hash attributes
          for a message. None of this has been tested. Continue with
          converting CalDAV code to use the new flat components and then
          test the return message to the transport provider.

2006-04-07  kervin

        * mstore/O_IMsgStore.cpp, mstore/O_IMsgStore.h: Synchronization
          work continues. Untested code to handle the appointment list in
          a local folder. Lots of pieces missing and/or untested.

2006-04-06  kervin

        * ChangeLog.txt, Journal.txt, mstore/O_IMsgStore.cpp,
          mstore/O_IMsgStore.h: Working on loading foreign folder map and
          synching with local SQL table. Introduced
          O_IMsgStore::LoadForeignAppointmentFolders() for synching the
          map in memory with that SQL table. None has been tested. After
          this, the map should be loaded. There are many issues with
          accounts whose ids are changed in session or newly added
          accounts. Continue with the remaining sync functions and
          eventually sending a return event to the transport provider.

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