Hi Carlos,

Sure, the answer is in the help

 [--source-path ...]            - Specify the source location of the setting 
value YAML file.
 [--value ...]                  - Specify single line setting value.

You need to set your hash as a YAML structure and put it into a file.


Carlos Rodríguez

> On Jun 29, 2018, at 6:00 PM, carlos calvo <ccvillal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> i am running OTRS 6.0.8 and trying to setting things up over the console 
> utility, otrs.Console.pl <http://otrs.console.pl/>
> I would like to configure a value in one of the parameters " 
> Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketCompose###DynamicField", 
> but OTRS keeps complaining about the value type not being a hash.
> Does anyone has an idea how to provide a hash value over this interface. I've 
> tried several options but none did really worked out.
> [otrs@bss-otrs bin]$   perl    ./otrs.Console.pl <http://otrs.console.pl/>  
> Admin::Config::Update --setting-name 
> Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketCompose###DynamicField --value "(AgentID => '1')"
> Updating setting value...
> ERROR: OTRS-otrs.Console.pl-Admin::Config::Update-15 Perl: 5.16.3 OS: linux 
> Time: Sat Jun 30 00:50:06 2018
>  Message: Setting Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketCompose###DynamicField 
> Effective value is not correct: Its not a hash!
>  Traceback (31978):
>    Module: Kernel::System::SysConfig::ConfigurationDeploy Line: 3483
>    Module: Kernel::System::Console::Command::Admin::Config::Update::Run Line: 
> 170
>    Module: (eval) Line: 461
>    Module: Kernel::System::Console::BaseCommand::Execute Line: 454
>    Module: Kernel::System::Console::InterfaceConsole::Run Line: 80
>    Module: ./otrs.Console.pl <http://otrs.console.pl/> Line: 38
> Error: Deployment failed!
> Br&Tx
> Carlos.
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