Not sure how useful this feedback is, but over our Christmas break I updated:
3.3.6 -> 3.3.20 -> 4.0.33 -> 5.0.33 -> 6.0.15   (PHEW!!!)
and had no such problems.

However, I *was* using the tar.gz method, and I stopped at 4.x & 5.x just long enough to check basic functionality, then did the next upgrade. When I got to 6, I did have some troubles, but not the one you describe.

However I think that the tar.gz may do you some good if you:

Unpack it to a NEW directory
Use a Directory "Diff" utility to compare ("Meld" or even just "mc")

This will help you find missing files and compare content of different sized files, particularly, "/opt/otrs//Kernel/Modules/ line 734"

Wish I could help more... Good luck!

On 2019-01-07 14:08, wrote:

Message: 2
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2019 16:25:54 +0000
From: Pedro Lobo <>
Subject: [otrs] AgentTicketZoom Status 500 after update 5 > 6.0.15
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Hi All,

I've been holding off updating to version 6 for a while now. Finally bit
the bullet and Murphy was watching so things went bad :(

Updated to latest patch level of 5 (5.0.33) before updating to 6. Followed the instructions to the letter and used RPM method to update and install
needed dependencies. Migrate script and everything went ok without any
issues. The only error I got at the time was updating ITSM packages via
command-line, but downloaded OPM and updated ITSM using the bundle.

All seemed ok until I tried to view a ticket. As soon as I try, I get a
status 500 with the error message "'t locate object method
"ArticleContentIndex" via package "Kernel::System::Ticket" at
/opt/otrs//Kernel/Modules/ line 734"

I've seen a couple posts and most state the problem went away in the
following update or by updating using tar.gz.

Since I'm on the latest update, can't update again and don't want to go the
tar.gz way unless it's absolutely necessary. So would appreciate some
indications here if you've come across this issue when updating.

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