Dear Parag,

this is another bug in the BETA version:

Cheers, Nils

On 15.02.2011, at 19:21, Parag Bhalerao wrote:

> I installed new survey module 1.2.92 and I am getting proper link in the 
> survey email. However I am not able to add questions in the survey. I can add 
> questions with type YesNo and Textarea. If I add Radio or Checkbox type 
> questions, the status shows Incomplete. If I click on the question, it shows 
> me area to add possible answers, but when I add answers and click on Add or 
> Save or Go Back, nothing happens. Those possible answers don’t get added to 
> the question. Am I missing anything?

Nils Leideck
Senior Consultant / a Fractal project

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